Arkansas State University
Piano students at A-State receive personal attention in a caring environment. Repertoire and technique selections are student-centered and goal-oriented. Career guidance is offered.
Audition Information
For potential piano performance majors, prepare at least three works of contrasting styles and time periods and be able to perform from memory. Contact Lauren Schack Clark to set up an audition time and to check repertoire requirements. International students may send a video or video link.
Scholarship & Assistantship Information
Many scholarship opportunities are available to Piano Students. There are Privately-Funded Keyboard Scholarships, Academic Scholarships, and Ensemble Scholarships. Graduate Students are eligible for Graduate Assistantships.
International Student Information
International Students are eligible for Privately-Funded Keyboard Scholarships, Ensemble Scholarships, Graduate Assistantships (plus In-State Tuition), and more.